UNCA Field Work:

Field work is the cornerstone of our teacher licensure program at UNC Asheville. Each semester that candidates are enrolled in education courses (EDUC), they engage in field work within our USTEP partner school districts: ArtSpace Charter, Asheville City, Buncombe Co, Evergreen Community Charter, Francine Delany New School for Children, Henderson Co, Madison Co, McDowell Co, and Transylvania Co.

Field work is defined as any experience for which a teacher candidate engages with P-12 students in our partner school districts. Field work is designed to provide candidates with a logical sequence of experiences to demonstrate their developing effectiveness and positive impact on student learning.

  • Early Course Field Work (EDUC 210/211) focuses on guided observation.
  • Method Courses (All other EDUC courses: 219-384) provide candidates with opportunities to practice new skills in the field.
  • The Professional Year/Clinical Practice (EDUC 430, 43X, 455, 456) is a year long experience culminating in 16 full time weeks of clinical practice internship/student teaching.